Glossary of English Real Estate words in Catalan and Spanish:

Real Estate Glossary of Spanish Words

You don’t need to learn these words if you don’t want to, but you will hear them come up frequently, and below the glossary is a list of common Catalan phrases.

Agent Commission:
• Catalan: Comissió de l’agent
• Spanish: Comisión del agente


• Catalan: Apartament
• Spanish: Apartamento

• Catalan: Tasació
• Spanish: Tasación

Buyer’s Market:
• Catalan: Mercat del comprador
• Spanish: Mercado del comprador

Closing Costs:
• Catalan: Despeses de tancament
• Spanish: Gastos de cierre

Closing Date:
• Catalan: Data de tancament
• Spanish: Fecha de cierre

Comparable Sales:
• Catalan: Vendes comparables
• Spanish: Ventas comparables

• Catalan: Condomini
• Spanish: Condominio

• Catalan: Contracte
• Spanish: Contrato

• Catalan: Dipòsit/Fiança
• Spanish: Depósito/Fianza

Down Payment:
• Catalan: Pagament inicial
• Spanish: Pago inicial

• Catalan: Capital propi
• Spanish: Capital propio

Estate Taxes:
• Catalan: Impostos sobre successions
• Spanish: Impuestos sobre sucesiones

• Catalan: Execució hipotecària
• Spanish: Ejecución hipotecaria

HOA Fees:
• Catalan: Quotes de la comunitat
• Spanish: Cuotas de la comunidad

Home Inspection:
• Catalan: Inspecció de l’habitatge
• Spanish: Inspección de la vivienda

Lease Agreement:
• Catalan: Contracte de lloguer
• Spanish: Contrato de arrendamiento

Listing Price:
• Catalan: Preu de llistat
• Spanish: Precio de lista

• Catalan: Propietari
• Spanish: Arrendador

Market Value:
• Catalan: Valor de mercat
• Spanish: Valor de mercado


• Catalan: Hipoteca
• Spanish: Hipoteca

• Catalan: Barri
• Spanish: Barrio

• Catalan: Notari
• Spanish: Notario

• Catalan: Oferta
• Spanish: Oferta

Open House:
• Catalan: Casa oberta
• Spanish: Casa abierta

• Catalan: Principal
• Spanish: Principal

Property Management:
• Catalan: Gestió de propietats
• Spanish: Gestión de propiedades

• Catalan: Propietat/Casa
• Spanish: Propiedad/Casa

Real Estate Agent:
• Catalan: Agent immobiliari
• Spanish: Agente inmobiliario

• Catalan: Refinanciar
• Spanish: Refinanciar

• Catalan: Reforma
• Spanish: Reforma

Resale Value:
• Catalan: Valor de reventa
• Spanish: Valor de reventa

• Catalan: Encuesta
• Spanish: Encuesta

• Catalan: Inquilí
• Spanish: Inquilino

Title Deed:
• Catalan: Escriptura de propietat
• Spanish: Escritura de propiedad

Title Insurance:
• Catalan: Assegurança de títol
• Spanish: Seguro de título

• Catalan: Serveis públics
• Spanish: Servicios públicos

• Catalan: Zonificació
• Spanish: Zonificación

Real Estate Glossary of Spanish Words

Common Real Estate Documents in Spain

Property Deed (Escritura de Compraventa)

Official record of property transfer from seller to buyer. Prepared by notary public and signed at closing. Includes property details, location, boundaries, and encumbrances.

Title Search (Nota Simple)

Provides ownership history, debts, liens, and encumbrances. Obtained from Property Registry and reviewed by buyer or attorney.

Purchase Agreement (Contrato de Compraventa)

Outlines terms and conditions of property sale. Includes purchase price, payment schedule, and contingencies. Prepared by seller's attorney or real estate agent.

Certificate of Habitability (Cédula de Habitabilidad)

Verifies property meets minimum habitation standards. Issued by local government.

Property Tax Receipts (Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles - IBI)

Proof of property tax payment to demonstrate no outstanding liabilities.

Reservation Deposit - Earnest Money

The payment is made to the real estate agency or lawyer managing the sale. The agency holds the deposit in a client account until the sale is completed.

Bank Guarantee (Fianza Bancaria)

Provides financial security for buyers, issued by developer's bank.

Real Estate Glossary of Spanish Words

  • Bon dia – Good morning
  • Bona tarda – Good afternoon
  • Bona nit – Good night
  • Com estàs? – How are you?
  • Gràcies – Thank you
  • Si us plau – Please
  • Adeu – Goodbye
  • Fins aviat – See you soon
  • Perdó – Excuse me
  • Com es diu això en català? – How do you say this in Catalan?
  • Quant costa això? – How much does this cost?
  • On és el bany? – Where is the bathroom?
  • Em pot ajudar? – Can you help me?
  • No entenc – I don’t understand
  • Estic perdut – I am lost
  • M’agrada això – I like this
  • No m’agrada – I don’t like
  • Estic famolenc – I am hungry
  • Estic cansat – I am tired
  • Estic emocionat – I am excited
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